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Annual hut trip.Updated : 2014.07.28

 毎年恒例といってもいいくらい訪れる山小屋”Elfin schelter”。


 It’s another one of our annual hiking trips to the Elfin shelter.
We access it from the small town of Squamish, located between Whistler and Vancouver. To reach the hut from there is about 6 hours by hiking.

 It’s kind of hard hiking if people took heavy backpacks, especially if it was their first time of the season, but it’s good for waking up an inactive body.
 The members are: “Yu” Sasaki, who is a pro skier, Kazu”shige” Fujita, who is a pro snowboarder and myself, who is the filmer of this hiking trip.


 しかしここでまさかのハプニング。 料理の下ごしらえなど準備に忙しかったらしく、車に乗る直前まで用意していたジャケット、そして夜のお楽しみのビールをユウは忘れてしまったらしい。天気は徐々に悪くなり、ランチをとっていた中間地点にある避難小屋では軽く吹雪き始めていた。

 Yu is also a chef at a Japanese restaurant, and he prepared great meals for us this time too.
It’s funny how a great meal becomes more tasty when we have it on the mountain.
 Suddenly, we were realized something wasn’t right. Yu forgot to put his jacket and some beers into our truck because he was busy preparing the meals. It was pretty sad because the weather was getting worse. It was snowy outside of our hut, which is located just half way point to the Elfin shelter, so a jacket was something to be appreciated.


『いったいオレは何しに来たんだろうか、、、』と一時はかなり落ち込んでいたユウだったが、前向きに気持ち持ち直し、持参していたゴミ袋でウォータープルーフ100%の即席ジャケットを制作。(苦笑) 予定通り”Elfin schelter”を目指す事になった。

“What have I come here for?” Yu asked it to himself and he gets depressed, but he decided constructively to go on to the Elfin shelter.
We made a perfect water proof jacket from a garbage bag. It’s a real pleasure to resolve problems.



HutTrip_Kazushige Fujita


もともと雪の状況は悪く、パウダーを楽しめるという期待は初めからないトリップだったが、ただ『雪降らないね〜』とか嘆きながらカリカリのゲレンデを滑ったり、家に篭っているよりは十分楽しく、充実した時間だった。 Webから入手する情報だったり、人から聞いたりする話しだけで判断せずに、時には自分の目で見て、感じることは大事だと思う。

Spending time in nature is the counter-balance of our general lives, in which only turning a faucet for clean water or heating a house by one switch is normal. We can appreciate water, fire, or just an apple in the natural world.

We knew that we would not have fun with fresh powder before we took this trip but, it is a much better time and experience than staying at home or riding at the icy ski resort and grieving the lack of snow.
Sometimes, it is important that you don’t decide what you do simply by information from websites or rumours and you get out there to get real information with our eyes and feeling.
Although everything worked out, we have to pay more attention to not forgetting gear, and with that, I hope, fun fresh powder on the next trip.

AKI’s Special PartUpdated : 2014.07.11

AKI’s Special Part from HEART FILMS on Vimeo.

Starring: Akifumi Hiraoka Music: Yosuke Onuma(www.yosukeonuma.com

AIR & STYLE、TOYOTA BIG AIRなど数多くのコンペティションで活躍し、また忠とともにカナダバックカントリーシーンの魅力を日本に伝えた草分け的ライダーでもあるアキ君(平岡暁史)。

楽曲は彼の友人でもあり世界的にも有名なジャズギタリストである 小沼ようすけ君が映像をみて作り上げたもの。壮大な景色、爽快な滑り、心地よい音が織りなすショートムービーを要チェック!

Akifumi Hiraoka who played an active role in the Air & Style, the TOYOTA BIG AIR and more big competitions, is one of the pioneers of showing the Canadian Backcountry to the Japanese people.
Aki always pushes himself, doesn’t care about age and having fun before everything else is his style which makes people who surround him laugh and be positive.

The music behind Aki’s part was made by Yosuke Onuma who is one of the great Jazz guitarists of the world, also Aki’s friend.
Yosuke made the song after watching Aki’s riding and images.
Please check it out.
